RTT or Real-Time-Text is an accessibility standard for the users who don’t want to use voice calls to answer. It allows them to communicate in real-time by typing the conversational text message they want to deliver in real-time. In this case, recipients can immediately read the text while it is being created or typed without having a long wait-time to get it finished.

It’s a built in- accessibility feature provide in all the versions of iPhone 6 and above. You can also use Real-Time-Text on Mac and Apple Watch too. If you are using iPhone for this purpose, then you need a carrier plan with T- Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, and Standard Voice Call Rates.

Here is how to utilize RTT on your iPhone with ease:

Setting Up RTT on Your Smartphone

If you like to use Real-Time-Text on your iOS device like iPhone 6 or later, you need to set up its configuration settings. Here is how:

  • First of all, hit the Settings icon to launch the respective app.
  • Then, go to the Accessibility section and tap on it.
  • After that, press the RTT option there.
  • Now, you have to turn on the RTT software for your device.
  • Hit the Relay Number option and then type the contact number for Telephone-using-Teletype (TYY) relay calls.
  • Select the back button there.
  • After that, switch on the Send Immediately option if you like to transfer your text once you type the same, otherwise you will need to enter full messages before sending them to your recipient.
  • Next, turn the “Answer All Calls as TYY/RTT” to on so that you don’t get voice calls. If not, you can upgrade the calls that you have received using the RTT. Verify it by hitting the “Answer All Calls as RTT/TTY” option.
  • Then, turn on the Hardware TTY to reply and place TTY calls using an external TTY device in place of the iPhone. In this case, ensure that you have also switched on the “Answer All Calls as TTY” properly.
  • Now, you can easily receive and place RTT calls using your iPhone.

Placing an RTT Calls on Your Smartphone

In order to place a call using RTT on your device, follow these steps:

  • At the start, hit the Phone app on your device’s screen.
  • Then, select the Contacts tab from the lower section of your screen.
  • Now, hit the name of the person with whom you like to talk.
  • Select the phone number there.
  • Next, choose either RTT/TTY Relay Call or RTT/TTY Call option.
  • Now, wait for your call to connect.
  • Then, hit the RTT icon there.
  • Now, type your text conversation. In case you have enabled Send Immediately option from the Settings, the recipient will be able to view your conversation as you type instantly. Otherwise, you need to type your message and then press the upward arrow icon to send your message.
  • In case you want to end up your call, hit the Back tab located at the top-left edge.
  • Select the hang-up tab there.

Turning Existing Voice Calls into RTT

If you are on a voice call and want to turn the same into RTT, then follow these easy to use instructions:

  • First of all, hit the Use RTT option by navigating the End Call tab.
  • Now, you need to wait for the microphone icon to convert into the Mute option.
  • Press the RTT button to start your text conversation.

Answering an RTT Call on Your iPhone

Once you have already enabled RTT, then you can easily answer RTT calls right using your smartphone. Here’s how:

  • Firstly, you need to hit the RTT tab that appears on the screen instead of your default answer tab.
  • Now, select the RTT option to upgrade your call to a textual conversation.

Real-Time-Text can be easily enabled on several devices like iPhone 6 or above. It can also be used on Mac or Apple’s wearable device. RTT allows the users to send text conversation if they doesn’t want to speak on voice call. It’s a built-in feature on iPhone 6 or above versions. It offers real-time text conversation accessibility using which the recipient will be able to read the conversation as it is created or typed by the first person. To make an RTT call, you need to set it up on your device using the Accessibility Settings.



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